Can a client love an architect
the same way a patient loves a doctor?

Each renovation project is a tale – a fusion of story and history. By the time each project ends, we develop a strong bond with the family. The happiness of strangers becoming someone important to us and we becoming someone important to them is something we cannot achieve when we construct huge buildings. Most of the time, I feel that I get more respect than I deserve.
Let me share an anecdote where a mother saw me as “a person who made a paradigm shift in the life of my son” rather than a friend or architect of her son.
I didn’t know how important a home is for a bachelor. I have known him for years. He has a small business, a travel agency and a taxi cab service. He is unmarried and happy with his life.
Look at this building. He wants to buy a home with the money in his hand and the money he will get by selling this building. He decided to marry after this dream is fulfilled.  We saw this building accidentally and converted it into a two bedroom house in three months with less than 10 lakh rupees. We didn’t simply build a home here. We changed him from the owner of a 2.25 cent plot of little worth to the owner of an asset worth more than 50 lakhs rupee. His marriage happened within three months.
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The next incident changed my life forever. It made me realize that RepairKochi is a need of the society and it is my responsibility.
renovation of a small home to good home before and afterA while later, I went to this home with another client of mine. Our hero, his mother and his pregnant wife was at home. It is my first time in their home after his marriage.
That mother pointed to her daughter in law and told me, “ When we went to her home, it was a beautiful home in 10 – 15 cents. We told them we are ordinary people with a home in less than 3 cents. They told us that they will come and see our home and to arrange the marriage if they like our home.” She continued,” When they came here, they asked us, “What is the issue with this home? A 3 cent plot in a city has the same worth as a 15 cent in a village.” Then they fixed the marriage.”
In that moment, I knew that Team RepairKochi is my responsibility to the society. I wasn’t just an architect or contractor or friend there. I was “the person who changed the life of her son”.
   – Architect I K Sham